I only recently discovered podcasts. This is due largely in part to my vast knowledge of applications and technology (insert heaping pile of sarcasm here). But now that I’ve located the little square app on my phone…I.Am.Hooked.
My commute to work is approximately 30 minutes. The perfect time to fit in a podcast episode. After I drop the kids off at school, I enjoy a few seconds of silence before diving in. But time is precious. While I do enjoy my day job, I don’t want to ignore that piece of me that wants something more. This is where self development and motivation come into play.
Do you feel like there could be something more for you?
Do you have an idea that you can’t shake?
Do you need to hear that you’re not the only one with dreams?
Are you searching for practical tools to help you figure out how?
Do you need someone to break down big dreams into actionable steps?
The following five podcasts, can answer these questions for you and leave you hopeful by the time you reach the office parking lot.
Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod – Hal has entered into my life through several different paths. And I’m glad he has! He has such a great energy. He shares openly about his own struggles and has some really interesting interviews. I actually heard about Hal Elrod, when he was being interviewed on one of my other favorite podcasts: Do It Scared, with Ruth Soukup. Hal has written some great books. The two I’ve most recently read, being The Miracle Morning and The Miracle Equation. Since reading his book, I’ve taken actionable steps to jump start my mornings. Some might say that I drank the Kool-Aid, and I’m okay with that. It’s working!
Do It Scared with Ruth Soukup – I joined Ruth’s blogging course back in 2017 and she has been such an inspiration. She turned her blogging hobby into a seven figure business and every week she’s encouraging us to face our fears. If you have a chance to take her fear assessment or buy her book, I highly recommend it (says the Procrastinating Perfectionist). If you can discover how you manage your fears, you can begin to face them in a different way and break the cycle that has you feeling like you’re stuck.
Design Your Dream Life with Natalie Bacon – Natalie started blogging about her student loan debt. This is where her online path started, and now she’s a six figure blogger and life coach. Natalie talks a lot about the connection between thoughts, feelings and actions. I enjoy her practical and rational nature and the science of changing your mindset. I also appreciate that she comes from the financial space, since you could say I’m kinda a numbers girl.
RISE with Rachel Hollis – I feel like this lady doesn’t need an introduction, but on the off chance you haven’t heard of Rachel, PLEASE go read her non-fiction. Like, yesterday. She’s a petite firecracker and I love that she puts it all out there for her followers. She actually has a special on Netflix right now too. Totally unrelated, but the shop on her website has some great gifts for people seeking some motivation.
Don’t Keep Your Day Job, with Cathy Heller – Cathy has some big names on her show, from money influencers, to CEOs of large corporations. You will find a conversation that resonates and inspires. Cathy’s own story is a reminder why we should never give up.
All of these podcasters are so open about their own lives. Struggle brings learning and learning brings growth. At times I wonder if I should put my self development pom-poms down. But like Ruth says, trying to fill yourself up with material to make you a better person, is always time well spent.
I’d love to hear who some of your favorite inspirational podcasts are!
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