There’s never enough time in the day. Nothing is more true, than when it comes to spending time with our children. On weekdays, I’d say we get a solid hour of family time each day. I don’t anticipate schedules getting any lighter as these little ones grow up, so it’s so important to soak up the family time we do have. It doesn’t have to be complex, expensive or fancy, but it should be intentional and fun.
Mornings are focused on getting everyone up and ready for the day. Most of the time, okay a good half of the time, we can accomplish this without any lots of tears. I hold my breath before everyone gets up, wondering if this is going to be a morning where my daughter fights getting dressed, refuses to brush her teeth, or dramatically whines as I try to comb her hair into something that resembles a genuine hairdo. I cross my fingers that my son doesn’t kick me (too hard) when I change his diaper and that my usual bribery of a TV show and a cereal bar, buy me enough time to get my own clothes on and my coffee made.
Fast forward to the evening. I haven’t quite mastered coordinating a consistent family dinner (enter future posts here), so for now, it’s mostly a phased approach. Get kids something they’ll agree to eat while Mom and Dad eat over the counter, before quickly switching gears to prepping bubbles and towels for bath time (for kids, not parents – there’s not time for that).
Once bath time has wrapped up and the kitchen has been restored to its “a-tornado-didn’t-just-rip-through-here” level of clean, we look forward to some family time before bed. I love this time. I cherish ALL of the time with my kids – all we really have is time (more about this here).
Unlike these other times of our day, during this family time, we aren’t trying to multitask or get from point A to point B. We just get to enjoy our time together and do whatever makes us feel happy. We’re makin’ memories darn it! Here are some of our favorite activities to do as a family:
Build a Fort – An oldie but goodie! I forgot how fun this can be. It’s not just a blanket thrown in between two couches. It’s a hiding spot to get away from the monsters, while being protected from hot lava. It’s a reminder that imagination is often times way better than reality.
The Floor Routine – When parents become the human jungle gym. As soon as my husband or I lay down on the floor, kids are competing to climb, slide, hug or get tickled. This one should be done in a controlled environment and you may want to set-up a safe word. It’s all fun and games until someone zigs when they should have zagged.
Dance Party – This idea applies to many circumstances in life. When in doubt….dance! Don’t be discouraged if you move like you’ve been doused with rhythm repellant. Awkwardness is encouraged, insights laughter and shows confidence.
Paint Rocks – My kids love art, dirt and rocks. The perfect combination. They hunt through the yard for their favorite rocks. Throw in some paints and brushes and we’re busy for days. If you have Mod Podge, you can seal it all in after it dries and ta-da…paper weight!
Read – Yes, this may seem like a no-brainer, but to have real reading time is a beautiful thing. Put down the phones, turn off the TV and read. Challenge the kids to pick out their favorite book or books. Everything seems to be more fun when it’s been turned into a game.
I know I’m not reinventing the wheel with any of these ideas, but that’s not the intent here. Plus, I’m pretty sure reinventing the wheel would take well over an hour to accomplish. We’re enjoying each other and being fancy is not a requirement. In fact, it may even be frowned upon, since we’re trying to keep distractions to a minimum.
Don’t get me wrong, the chaotic moments of our day still present a plethora of memory-making moments. But sometimes we’re so busy, we can’t see the memory until after it’s been made. So even if some days it’s only an hour, or thirty minutes, table the guilt, go all-in and dodge the hot lava.
What are some of your favorite and simple family fun ideas?
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