Life is crazy right now. I’m working full-time outside of the home and my husband, Marcus, is a full-time student (soon-to-be a full-time teacher). Baseball season is starting up at our local high school, where Marcus is a coach, and free time for the next four months will be saturated with practices, games and conversations that I completely usually follow. Just as long as he keeps wearing those white baseball pants, let’s play ball! Our dog Lucy is getting older and we’ve self diagnosed her with dog dementia, because getting up five times a night to bark at the wall, just seems a little off. We have two children under the age of three, who enjoy daycare, driving by the horsey near our house (which is really a statue on top of a building, but we’re going with it) and challenging their parents, after bath time, to a mean game of slap-a-diaper-on-me-before-I-pee-on-the-trampoline.
With all of this, it’s important for me to find “me time”. Time for me to blog about what’s on my mind, zone out with good ol’ fashioned channel surfing, or work on my vision board. Ok, just seeing if you’re paying attention. There’s no time for a vision board. That’s why there’s Pinterest. It’s the site that lets me pick out the fun things I’d make with my kids if I had my crafting crap organized. It’s where I save all the designs for the mansion I’d build if people decided to start throwing money at me. A coworker once pointed out that my Pinterest has A LOT of food on it. Excellent observation – thanks for that.
Along with the hopes and dreams of Pinterest, there are the epic fails. We’ve all seen them and they’re hilarious. We’re a society that builds people up to watch them fall. And now we get to do it to ourselves. I’m old enough to know what I’m capable of. Crescent rolls twisted like origami to make Santa’s reindeer? Saved to board. 31 family meals you can prep in a day? Saved to board. Really? From the girl who once tried to soften butter by sticking it in the microwave…with the foil wrapper on. Ok, it’s not like I pulled this move yesterday, but you get my drift. Here are some of the many examples of my own mom fails on Pinterest. There’s way more, but these are the ones I was amused enough by to take pictures of.
So where do I go from here? Well hopefully up! I’m not going to stop pinning the kid crafts, because regardless of how they turn out, it’s fun making memories (and sharing laughs). The recipes will still exist because food is just plain yummy. Although, the complexity of recipes should probably start to be more about how to make the best egg salad sandwich instead of replicating Martha Stewart’s recipe for the best Turducken. Lately I’ve started gravitating more towards self-help boards for beginning bloggers and advice for cutting back on expenses. I’m sure there is a lot I haven’t explored in the world of Pinterest. There’s probably even boards created for mom fails on Pinterest. I think Pinterest replicates life in many ways. So as in life, have fun, find the things you’re good at, stop trying to be someone you’re not, never stop trying new things and quit trying to keep up with the Joneses. Unless of course the Joneses have a great kitchen – then you may want to pin it.
Hilarious & true!
So true. Love your writing!