Holy crap this is scary! I’ve been talking with my husband for a while now about wanting to start a blog. I’ve been slowly taking steps towards making this a reality. Laptop, check. Beginners guide to blogging, check. Coming up with a name for said blog, check. I’ve been tinkering around in WordPress, trying to figure out the mechanics of it all. I’m good at following directions. Probably one of my best qualities and my life’s nemesis. Maybe this is my attempt to put down the owner’s manual for once and see if any screws fall out. Just put it all out there. Then there’s that…put what out there exactly? It’s so exciting to think of all of the people who could potentially see my thoughts. And when that thought starts to become overwhelming, I tell myself, maybe no one will read it. There, the pressure is off once again. If I don’t tell too many people I’m doing this, I won’t have to tell too many people it didn’t work out, or I got busy, or I realized that of all the thoughts swirling in my head, it boiled down to two posts of which, over time, I realized didn’t even “have my voice” when I reread them about 80 times. I read other people’s social media pages and think that they are such great writers and that they should be the ones starting blogs. Can you see the outline of my self-doubt and indecisiveness taking shape? Ah, in all of its glory.
So here is my pep talk to myself. Yes, maybe other people would have great blogs. I strongly encourage them to start one of their own. The internet has plenty of room for us all. Yes, maybe I will have only two unrecognizable posts. Sure, they’ll fuel rumors of late night drinking and a new sleep disorder called REM Writing. But they’ll be mine. The writing bug may leave in a quicker manner than when it arrived, and that’s okay too. I hear a lot of people talk about starting a blog as a journey. I thought that sounded so cliché, until I couldn’t find any other word to describe it. I’m not sure how much of the internet world will find its way to my blog, but it’s time to pull the trigger. You said you wanted to write Laura, so just write. Hello to everyone or no one at all!
I am so proud of you! Going live on our son’s birthday is special. I know he’s looking down on us everyday of our lives. I love you!
Yes he is, Love! Thank you for your unconditional support and love. We can get through anything together!
I love you and I’m so proud of you! You are amazing. XOXO
Thank you for being my best friend. You’re my writing and mommy mentor and I love you tons!
Can’t wait to read! Happy Birthday to your sweet boy. Proud of you, Laura!
I’m loving your blog! You’re a great writer and so brave to do this. Thank you for sharing xo
Congratulations, this is amazing. Keep on writing (sure beats excel spreadsheets)!
You’re a very talented writer with a strong voice, can’t wait to read your adventures.
Thank you so much Angela! Sometimes it’s nice to be away from the numbers, but you know we love a good spreadsheet!