When you’re pregnant for the first time, anything goes. You’re calling the shots. Days can be centered around naps and food…not for the kids, but all for you. When our children are born, a switch turns off (or on?) and we immediately become last in line. For the most part, we do this to ourselves. Part of our mother’s instinct is putting our children first. The other part is taking the path of least resistance – sometimes referenced as “picking your battles”. Because of our new place in line, we need to be reminded about self-care. Making sure that mom is taken care of too! Let’s start with one of life’s basic necessities…food. Since your dinners can sometimes be microwave leftovers, over the kitchen sink, after getting home late from work, it’s important to have some good food options while you’re at work. It’ll keep you from getting hangry, which you and your coworkers should appreciate.
I should have probably prefaced this at the very beginning, but this is, in no way, a recipe post. I’ve seen those. They make up most of my Facebook and Pinterest feed, as I sometimes enjoy daydreaming about being the person who thinks a 20 ingredient recipe would be “super fun” to make. In this dream, I also know what the heck cardamom is used for.
Nope, these are simple ideas for meals and snacks to have at work. Because mornings are already a total cluster, and easy eats are where it’s at. Also, while the idea of preparing for the next day, the night before, sounds very responsible, it almost always never happens.
So here are some of my favorite quick work lunch meal options, that don’t involve a lot of prep. Grab and go ladies!
- Plain greek yogurt, with honey and almonds
- Whole wheat english muffin with peanut butter
- Protein shake/snack bar
- Hard boiled eggs (2) – boiling eggs is considered “meal prep”, don’t sell yourself short – you’re practically a chef
- Fruit – if the idea of cutting a whole cantaloupe sounds daunting (um, when doesn’t it), check out the pre-cut section of produce, at the grocery store. Yes, you’re right, it’s more expensive. Remember my comment about picking your battles? Time/value of money should also be a consideration. You’re worth it in my book. Or like I mentioned, stick with the grab-and-go: bananas, apples, grapes or cuties (I’m not hitting on you, I’m talking about those little oranges)
- Carrots & Hummus – Costco has great individual servings of hummus, or you can just buy a family tub at the grocery store.
- Cheese – it never hurts to have some Babybel cheese wheels handy. Plus, with the wax covering you have to peel off, it’s an activity too.
- Salad ingredients: lettuce, quinoa, tomatoes, feta or parmesan cheese, avocado, beans (kidney, garbanzo, cannelini,…), salami, turkey, tuna, carrots, peas, cucumbers – this list is essentially endless, but these are some of my staples. And if you want a break from salad, try some of these same ingredients in a wrap
- Turkey jerky – My coworkers know I love me some jerky. It’s a good alternative to chips, when you want something salty – it’s also good for those occasions when work is a little tense, and you feel like sinking your teeth into
someonesomething - Ready-made soups – think minestrone, taco, chicken noodle. These can be handy too if you get caught having to stay at the office later than you planned. I always lean towards low sugar/low sodium options (Trader Joe’s has some great options!)
- Teas – office temperatures never seem to be quite right (the battle of the thermostats), so making some hot beverages can be soothing for body and mind. Wine is also soothing for the body and mind…but most likely frowned upon at work. Tea it is! If your office has one of those fancy coffee machines, be cautious of all those snazzy sounding drinks. There are lots of different ways to spell ‘hot cup of way too much sugar’. There are definitely times when this is warranted and almost necessity during long hours. The price is right and everything in moderation.
It’s a simple list, with lots of possibilities for mixing and matching. I also recommend finding a small insulated bag to use as your lunch carrier. Toss in one of those blue ice packs too. That way the food stays cool all day, and you can avoid fighting for refrigerator space at the office…or being tempted by treats that have inevitably been left out for the taking. If it also helps you to avoid awkward kitchen conversations with coworkers, well, an added bonus.
Like I said, I’m a creature of habit, so if you have any go-tos on your list, please share. Note: no cardamom allowed.
Great food ideas! Everyone should try THE HUMMUS GUY hummus (at Costco). I’am not a hummus guy, but I love this guys hummus!