As you read in my prior post, that first week of the candida cleanse was brutal, to say the least. But I’m sure inquiring minds want to know…did it get better? Did it “work”? Are you still on a break from bread, sugar and dairy?
Let’s recap, shall we. My main objective for doing this cleanse was to feel better. I know that’s a pretty broad goal. For me, that means:
- Lower my (LDL) cholesterol
- Decrease my feelings of anxiety and overwhelm
- Help decrease the annoying scalp itching related to scarring alopecia
- Decrease bloat and premenstrual symptoms (seems to be getting worse lately)
Yes, it’s a tall order, but life is about dreaming big and taking control of those dreams. Yes, there’s the other part of me that says, “Life is short Laura, eat freakin’ cake.” But I had to see what could be possible. I already know what eating cake feels like (glorious).
Energy – After getting past that first week of detox, when my body was just tired, I honestly felt AMAZING! I was getting out of bed in the mornings, before 5am, blogging and exercising….without coffee.
Anxiety – I’m not entirely sure I can get behind a theory of being “cured” from anxiety, but feeling more clear-headed, so that I can manage when anxiety does creep up to say “hello”, this one is a win too. Having meal plans mapped out and taking out some of life’s day-to-day guesswork, can leave a little breathing room. Not to mention the process of meal planning, can really make a lady feel in control of things.
Scalp Itch – this one was probably my main incentive. If my scalp is itching it means that my alopecia is still active and the potential to lose more hair is there. I DID feel less itch. It was very noticeable at first. Did it go away completely? Unfortunately, no. But MUCH better.
Decrease bloat – this was a resounding YES! That first “lady cycle” while on the cleanse, no back aches, no cramping, no bloat! I have been feeling symptoms for what felt like weeks leading up to my period. This time…I was actually caught off guard a little bit. I mean, as much as you can after almost 30 years 🙂 And although weight loss wasn’t my main goal, I should mention that getting rid of excess bloat, eating better foods and sticking to my morning workouts, has the scale down 13 pounds. I’ll take it!
UPDATE: So, since you’re my people, I have to be honest. The holidays (Christmas, leading to New Years, leading to Chase’s birthday) got the best of me. I’ve let the sugar, coffee and wheat carbs move back in. It was easy to rationalize (as choosing comforting foods usually is): I’m worth it (crackers, wine, ice cream, office chocolate stash). Healthy eating is nice, but maybe not THAT effective.
But what I do know, is that this season brings lots of emotions and making food choices that have me feeling bad/guilty aren’t helping. Not to mention, my scalp itch has gotten worse with my re-introduction to bad food choices. Coincidence? Too soon to tell, but it’s hard to ignore.
So what’s next? You guessed it – I’m getting back on the cleanse wagon!
I’ve checked in with the nutritionist and we’re going to give it another month of check-ins and meal plans. Then I’ll take my blood work again to review my candida and cholesterol levels.
I’m grateful for structure. It’s not going to be easy (again), but a vote for health and well being, isn’t a bad one. Hard, yes. Bad, no.
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